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Cert-Manager Setup Guide

This guide will walk you through setting up cert-manager, certificate management for Kubernetes.


Ensure you have the enterprise train enabled for TrueCharts as discussed here.

Search for cert-manager in the Apps menu | Available Applications tab and click Install.

Cloudflare DNS-Provider​

You can setup multiple domains with a single cert-manager app, all you have to do is either add the global API key (not recommended) or Add multiple ACME Issuer entries for each domain and create an API token for each at Cloudflare API Tokens.

  • Give the certificate a name (eg domain or "maincert", etc).
  • Select the correct provider, for example Cloudflare.
  • Set Server to Letsencrypt-Production.
  • Set Email to the account email.
  • Optionally set Cloudflare API key (not recommended)
  • Set the Cloudflare API Token to the one created earlier.


cert-manager App​


It is normal that the app does not run, there are no events, no logs and no shell. This is by design.


How to Add Ingress to Apps with cert-manager​

Here's an example on how to add ingress to an app with cert-manager for a single domain only.

Add the name of the ACME Issuer into Cert-Manager clusterIssuer

Warning Do NOT use this combined with the TLS-Settings.


If you want to support multiple domains, use the TLS-Settings option to create each one, basically an extra step each time.

Verifying cert-manager is working​

Once install using the Ingress settings above, you can see the Application Events for the app in question to pull the certificate and issue the challenge directly. See the example below:

cert-manager4 cert-manager5

All is automated by cert-manager