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Download installer and tools


Download the installer from OPNsense official download page

  • Select amd64 for system architecture
  • Select vga for bare metal installation or iso for virtualized installation
  • Select the mirror closest to you
  • Click Download



You can skip Rufus and Prepare the installation media (USB) if you plan to do a virtualized installation


Download rufus from their official site Select either the portable version or the installer, both will work.


Prepare the installation media (USB)


This process will DELETE any data in your USB stick.

  • Run Rufus
  • Select your USB Stick on the Device drop down list
  • On Boot selection Click SELECT and select the OPNsense installer we downloaded earlier
  • Check again that you selected the correct Device on previous step
  • Click START
  • Accept the WARNING saying that will DESTROY your data on this device


Once the process is finished you are ready to install OPNsense to your machine.

Prepare the installation media (Virtualized)

  • Mount the ISO file into your VM
  • Set it as primary boot device

Installation on bare metal

  • Boot your machine from the prepared USB stick.

It will give you some timers to select if you want to manually configure things. Let everything on automatic. Once you reach the login prompt, use the following credentials.

  • Username: installer

  • Password: opnsense

  • Select Continue with default keymap


  • Select Install (ZFS)


  • Select the disk you want to install it into. (Press Space).


    This process will DELETE any data in your disk.


  • Select OK

  • Read the Warning and Select YES

    If you want to change root password now select Root Password

    Alternatively change Complete Install and you can change it later on the Web GUI.

  • Remove USB and let machine boot into OPNSense

    Depending on your network, you probably will have to configure your interfaces directly on the OPNSense machine.

    If that's the case, login with root and opnsense (or the new root password if you changed it).


    If it didn't auto configured the LAN interface at least select option 1 and follow onscreen instructions Prefer using the a option. It's easier.

    Let's configure the LAN interface address.

    • Select option 2
    • Select the LAN interface. Usually option 1
    • Enter your preferred LAN IP (eg.


    • Enter your preferred subnet mask. (Usually 24)
    • Configure IPv6 for LAN via WAN tracking: n
    • Configure IPv6 for LAN via DHCP6: n
    • Enter new IPv6 address: Leave empty, Press Enter
    • Do you want to enable DHCP server on LAN: y
    • Enter start DHCP IPv4 address: (I keep a range for static mappings)
    • Enter end DHCP IPv4 address:
    • Do you want to change Web GUI protocol to HTTP: n
    • Do you want to generate new self-singed cert: y
    • Restore Web GUI access to defaults: y


  • Now you are ready to access Web GUI on

Installation on Virtual Machine

TODO: Guide